This astronomy calendar of celestial events contains dates for notable celestial events including moon phases, meteor showers, eclipses, oppositions, conjunctions, and other interesting events.
Check out the archives to view previous years celesital events.
Celestial Events
January 2023
Day | Time | Event |
3 | 6:30 pm – 4 am | Conjunction of Moon-Mars (0.5º apart) |
4 | 1 am – 6:30 am | Quadrantid Meteor Shower peak |
4 | 6:17 am | Perihelion (earth closest to sun) |
6 | 1:08 pm | Full Moon Micro Full Moon: smallest/dimmest full moon— occurs nearest apogee |
7 | 11:19 pm | Moon at apogee (farthest from earth) |
14 | 4:10 pm | Last Quarter (Waning Half) Moon |
16 | 7:09:41 am | Latest sunrise ever occurs in Honolulu |
21 | 4:05 am | Perigean Spring (King) Tides (2.56 ft) — Honolulu Harbor |
21 | 10:52 am | New Moon Super New Moon: largest new moon—occurs nearest perigee |
21 | 10:58am | Moon at perigee (closest to earth) |
22 | 6:30 pm – 7:45 pm | Conjunction of Venus-Saturn (0.5º apart) |
25 | 6:30 pm – 10:30 pm | Conjunction of Moon-Jupiter (1.7º apart) |
27 | 7 am | Mercury at highest altitude (20º) in morning sky |
28 | 5:19 am | First Quarter (Waxing Half) Moon |
30 | 6:30 pm – 2:15 am | Conjunction of Moon-Mars (0.4º apart) |
February 2023
Day | Time | Event |
3 | 10:55 pm | Moon at apogee (farthest from earth) |
5 | 8:29 am | Full Moon Micro Full Moon: smallest/dimmest full moon—occurs nearest apogee |
11 | 12:45:04 pm | Latest “noon”— latest time sun crosses the meridian in Honolulu (latest apparent noon) |
13 | 6:01 am | Last Quarter (Waning Half) Moon |
18 | 11:06 pm | Moon at perigee (closest to earth) |
19 | 9:06 pm | New Moon Super New Moon: largest new moon—occurs nearest perigee |
21 | 6:45pm – 8:30 pm | Conjunction of Moon-Venus (4º apart) |
22 | 6:45pm – 9 pm | Conjunction of Moon-Jupiter (2.6º apart) |
26 | 10:06 pm | First Quarter (Waxing Half) Moon |
27 | 6:30 pm – 2:15 am | Conjunction of Moon-Mars (1.2º apart) |
March 2023
Day | Time | Event |
1 | 6:45 pm – 8:45 pm | Conjunction of Venus-Jupiter (0.4º apart) |
3 | 8:01 am | Moon at apogee (farthest from earth) |
7 | 2:40 am | Full Moon |
12 | 2 am | Daylight Saving Time begins on mainland [Note: Hawaii does not observe DST] |
12 | sunrise 6:41:09 am sunset 6:40:50 pm |
Spring Equilux (equilux: equal day & night—12 hrs of daylight & 12 hrs of nightime) |
14 | 4:08 pm | Last Quarter (Waning Half) Moon |
19 | 5:16 am | Moon at perigee (closest to earth) |
20 | 11:25 am | Vernal Equinox (first day of spring) |
21 | 7:23 am | New Moon |
22 | 7pm – 7:45 pm | Conjunction of Moon-Jupiter (3.8º apart) |
23 | 7:15pm – 8:30 pm | Conjunction of Moon-Venus (3.6º apart) |
27 | 7:15pm – 12:45 am | Conjunction of Moon-Mars (2.3º apart) |
28 | 4:32 pm | First Quarter (Waxing Half) Moon |
31 | 1:18 am | Moon at apogee (farthest from earth) |
April 2023
Day | Time | Event |
5 | 6:35 pm | Full Moon |
10 | 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm | Conjunction of Venus-Pleiades (2.5º apart) |
12 | 7:00 pm | Mercury at highest point in evening sky (17º altitude) |
12 | 11:11 pm | Last Quarter (Waning Half) Moon |
15 | 4:22 pm | Moon at perigee (closest to earth) |
19 | 6:12 pm | New Moon |
22 | 7:00 pm – 9:45 pm | Conjunction of Moon-Venus (4.3º apart) |
23 | 10 pm – 5 am | Lyrid Meteor Shower peak |
25 | 7:15 pm - 12:10 am | Conjunction of Moon-Mars (3.3º apart) |
27 | 11:20 am | First Quarter (Waxing Half) Moon |
27 | 8:43 pm | Moon at apogee (farthest from earth) |
May 2023
Day | Time | Event |
5 | 5:14 am – 5:55 am | Penumbral LUNAR ECLIPSE begins: local max: ends: 5:14 am 5:52 am 5:55 am (moonset) |
5 | 7:34 am | Full Moon |
6 | 2:00 am – 5:00 am | Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower peak |
10 | 6:57 pm | Moon at perigee (closest to earth) |
12 | 4:28 am | Last Quarter (Waning Half) Moon |
13 | 2:15 am – 5:30 am | Conjunction of Moon-Saturn (4.0º apart) |
17 | 4:30 am – 5:30 am | Conjunction of Moon-Jupiter (2.0º apart) |
18 | 12:17 pm | Hilo (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
18 | 12:21 pm | Kailua-Kona (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
19 | 5:53 am | New Moon Black Moon: third New Moon in a season with four New Moons |
22 | 7:30 pm - 10:15 pm | Conjunction of Moon-Venus (4.5º apart) |
23 | 12:21 pm | Hāna (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
24 | 12:23 pm | Kahului (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
24 | 12:25 pm | Lāna‘i City (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
24 | 7:30 pm – 11:15 pm | Conjunction of Moon-Mars (5.4º apart) |
25 | 12:24 pm | Lāhaina (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
25 | 3:39 pm | Moon at apogee (farthest from earth) |
26 | 12:25 pm | Kaunakakai (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
26 | 7:10 pm | Venus at highest altitude in evening sky (43º) |
27 | 5:22 am | First Quarter (Waxing Half) Moon |
27 | 12:28 pm | Kāne‘ohe (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
27 | 12:29 pm | Honolulu (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
31 | 12:35 pm | Līhue (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
June 2023
Day | Time | Event |
2 | 5:30 am | Mercury at highest altitude in morning sky (18º) |
3 | 5:42 pm | Full Moon |
6 | 5:46:54 am | Earliest sunrise ever occurs in Honolulu |
6 | 1:07 pm | Moon at perigee (closest to earth) |
10 | 9:31 am | Last Quarter (Waning Half) Moon |
14 | 3:00 am – 5:30 am | Conjunction of Moon-Jupiter (5.1º apart) |
17 | 6:37 pm | New Moon |
21 | 4:48 am | Summer Solstice (first day of summer) Honolulu sunrise 5:48:36 am; sunset 7:16:50 pm Longest Day: 13h 28m 14s |
21 | 7:45 pm – 10:00 pm | Conjunction of Moon-Venus-Mars (4º apart) |
22 | 8:30 am | Moon at apogee (farthest from earth) |
25 | 9:50 pm | First Quarter (Waxing Half) Moon |
30 | 7:345 pm – 10:00 pm | Conjunction of Venus-Mars (3.4º apart) |
July 2023
Day | Time | Event |
3 | 1:39 am | Full Moon |
3 | 4:44 pm | Perigean Spring (King) Tides (2.65 ft) — Honolulu Harbor |
4 | 12:28 pm | Moon at perigee (closest to earth) |
4 | 7:18:18 pm | Latest sunset ever occurs in Honolulu |
6 | 10:07 am | Aphelion (earth farthest from sun) |
7 | 4:15 am – 5:30 am | Conjunction of Moon-Saturn (6.1º apart) |
9 | 3:48 pm | Last Quarter (Waning Half) Moon |
9 | 7:15 pm | Venus at brightest in evening (mag -4.5) |
11 | 1:45 am – 5:30 am | Conjunction of Moon-Jupiter (3.4º apart) |
12 | 12:43 pm | Līhue (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
15 | 12:37 pm | Kāne‘ohe (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
16 | 12:38 pm | Honolulu (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
17 | 8:32 am | New Moon |
17 | 12:35 pm | Kaunakakai (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
18 | 12:32 pm | Kahului (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
18 | 12:33 pm | Lāhaina (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
19 | 12:30 pm | Hāna (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
19 | 12:34 pm | Lāna‘i City (kau kā la i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
19 | 8:56 pm | Moon at apogee (farthest from earth) |
20 | 7:45 pm – 9:30 pm | Conjunction of Moon-Mars (2.6º apart) |
24 | 12:27 pm | Hilo (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
24 | 12:31 pm | Kailua-Kona (kau ka lā i ka lolo = "Lāhaina Noon") |
25 | 12:07 pm | First Quarter (Waxing Half) Moon |
28 | 7:45 pm – 8:15 pm | Mercury near Regulus (0.3º apart) |
30 | 9 pm – 5 am | Delta Aquariid Meteor Shower peak |
31 | 3:42 pm | Perigean Spring (King) Tides (2.67 ft) — Honolulu Harbor |
August 2023
Day | Time | Event |
1 | 8:31 am | Full Moon Super Full Moon: largest/brightest full moon that occurs nearest perigee |
1 | 4:24 pm | Perigean Spring (King) Tides (2.67 ft) — Honolulu Harbor |
1 | 7:52 pm | Moon at perigee (closest to earth) |
3 | 2:15 am – 5:45 am | Conjunction of Moon-Saturn (2.5º apart) |
4 | 7:10 pm | Mercury at highest altitude in evening sky (18º) |
8 | 12:15 am – 5:45 am | Conjunction of Moon-Jupiter (2.7º apart) |
8 | 12:28 am | Last Quarter (Waning Half) Moon |
9 | 1:00 am – 5:45 am | Conjunction of Moon-Pleiades (1.7º apart) |
12 | 10 pm – 5 am | Perseid Meteor Shower peak |
15 | 11:38 pm | New Moon Micro New Moon: smallest new moon that occurs nearest apogee |
16 | 1:55 pm | Moon at apogee (farthest from earth) |
18 | 7:15 pm – 8:30 pm | Conjunction of Moon-Mars (1.7º apart) |
23 | 11:57 pm | First Quarter (Waxing Half) Moon |
30 | 5:51 am | Moon at perigee (closest to earth) |
30 | 3:35 pm | Full Moon Super Full Moon: largest/brightest full moon that occurs nearest perigee Blue Moon: second Full Moon in same calendar month. |
September 2023
Day | Time | Event |
4 | 10:45 pm – 6:00 am | Conjunction of Moon-Jupiter (4.9º apart) |
6 | 12:21 pm | Last Quarter (Waning Half) Moon |
12 | 5:42 am | Moon at apogee (farthest from earth) |
14 | 3:40 pm | New Moon |
18 | 6:00 am | Venus at its brightest in morning (mag -4.5) |
22 | 9:32 am | First Quarter (Waxing Half) Moon |
22 | 8:50 pm | Autumnal Equinox (first day of fall) |
23 | 6:15 am | Mercury at highest altitude in morning sky (17º) |
26 | 6:45 pm – 3:15 am | Conjunction of Moon-Saturn (3.5º apart) |
27 | 3:05 pm | Moon at perigee (closest to earth) |
28 | 11:57 pm | Full Moon |
30 | sunrise 6:21:09 am sunset 6:21:18 pm |
Fall Equilux (equilux: equal day & night—12 hrs of daylight & 12 hrs of nightime) |
October 2023
Day | Time | Event |
1 | 9:00 pm – 6:00 am | Conjunction of Moon-Jupiter (4.8º apart) |
6 | 3:48 am | Last Quarter (Waning Half) Moon |
9 | 5:41 pm | Moon at apogee (farthest from earth) |
9 | 7 pm – 1 am | Draconid Meteor Shower peak |
10 | 7 pm – 6 am | South Taurid Meteor Shower peak |
14 | 6:27 am – 6:39 am | PARTIAL SOLAR ECLIPSE sunrise: 6:25:06 am first visible: 6:27:00 am max: 6:29:03 am ends: 6:38:45 am [Note: Annular Solar Eclipse elsewhere] |
14 | 7:55 am | New Moon |
21 | 5:29 pm | First Quarter (Waxing Half) Moon |
22 | 11:30 pm – 6:00 am | Orionid Meteor Shower peak |
23 | 6:15 pm – 1:30 am | Conjunction of Moon-Saturn (4.5º apart) |
24 | 6:30 am | Venus at highest point in morning sky (46º altitude) |
25 | 4:53 pm | Moon at perigee (closest to earth) |
28 | 10:24 pm | Full Moon |
28 | 7:00 pm – 6:15 am | Conjunction of Moon-Jupiter (2.2º apart) |
30 | 4:15 am | Conjunction of Moon-Pleiades (1.5º apart) |
November 2023
Day | Time | Event |
3 | 12:14:25 pm | Earliest "noon"—earliest time sun crosses the meridian in Honolulu (earliest apparent noon) |
4 | 10:37 pm | Last Quarter (Waning Half) Moon |
5 | 2:00 am | Daylight Saving Time ends on mainland [Hawaii does not observe DST] |
6 | 11:49 am | Moon at apogee (farthest from earth) |
9 | 3:15 am – 6:15 am | Conjunction of Moon-Venus (2.7º apart) |
12 | 6:30 pm – 6:00 am | North Taurid Meteor Shower peak |
12 | 11:27 pm | New Moon |
17 | 5:49 pm | Pleiades rise at sunset (first condition needed for declaring start of Makahiki; must wait until the sighting of first visible crescent moon after this date) |
18 | 12 mid – 6:00 am | Leonid Meteor Shower peak |
20 | 12:50 am | First Quarter (Waxing Half) Moon |
21 | 11:03 am | Moon at perigee (closest to earth) |
24 | 6:00 pm – 4:15 am | Conjunction of Moon-Jupiter (3.2º apart) |
26 | 5:48:53 pm | Earliest sunset ever occurs in Honolulu |
26 | 11:16 pm | Full Moon |
December 2023
Day | Time | Event |
4 | 8:42 am | Moon at apogee (farthest from earth) |
4 | 7:49 pm | Last Quarter (Waning Half) Moon |
7 | 6:00 pm | Mercury at highest point in evening sky (16º altitude) |
9 | 4:15 am – 6:30 am | Conjunction of Moon-Venus (3.5º apart) |
12 | 1:32 pm | New Moon |
13 | sunset | Beginning of Makahiki with sighting of first visible crescent moon (Hilo moon) after rise of Pleiades (this unofficially could be consider beginning of Makahiki; technically someone must visually sight the first crescent moon that occurs after the Mahakihi rise at sunset) |
14 | 8 pm – 6 am | Geminid Meteor Shower peak |
16 | 8:53 am | Moon at perigee (closest to earth) |
17 | 6:15 pm – 10:45 pm | Conjunction of Moon-Saturn (3.4º apart) |
19 | 8:39 am | First Quarter (Waxing Half) Moon |
21 | 5:28 pm | Winter Solstice (first day of winter) Honolulu sunrise 7:02:41 am; sunset 5:55:21 pm Shortest Day: 10h 52m 40s |
21 | 6:15 pm – 2:15 am | Conjunction Moon-Jupiter (4.8º apart) |
23 | 7 pm – 6 am | Ursid Meteor Shower peak |
23 | 6:30 pm – 4:15 am | Conjunction of Moon-Pleiades (0.9º apart) |
26 | 2:33 pm | Full Moon |