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Windward Community College is an affiliate member in the Hawai‘i Space Grant Consortium (HSGC). WCC students can receive Space Grant fellowships to conduct space science-related projects.

students standing inside the observatory next to the large telescopetwo students standing inside the anti gravity room

Over the years WCC students have engaged in the some of following Space Grant projects:

As a result of their HSGC aerospace research projects, WCC students have earned a variety of national high-power rocketry awards and recognitions.

Currently, WCC students have been engaged in high-power rocketry, including the design of hybrid and sublimation rockets.

group of students standing in front of a 20 foot tall rocketImua team standing in the desert next to their 12 foot tall rocket

Project Imua (meaning to move forward in Hawaiian) is a joint faculty-student enterprise of University of Hawai‘i Community College campuses. Its primary mission is to engage undergraduate students in project-based research with real-world STEM applications including the develop of high-power rockets and small payloads for space flight. The main headquarters for the UHCC Project Imua program is located at the CAE's NASA Flight Training AEL.

As part of this intiative, students across the UHCC campuses have participated in the RockSat-X program and designed scientific payloads that have been launched into space along a sub-orbital trajectory from NASA Wallops Flight Center in Virginia.

These projects are supported with the various resource capacity at the CAE's high-power rocketry lab located in the NASA Flight Training AEL.