Celebrating 100 Years of Flight
The Wright Stuff—Celebrating 100 Years of Flight was a monthlong exhibit held at WCC's Gallery 'Iolani from November 14 through December 17, 2003. The exhibit's closing date coincided with the centennial anniversary of the Wright Brothers' historic first flight at Kitty Hawk, NC.
The Gallery displays include historical images, artifacts, models, memorabilia and interactive kiosks of aviation and space flight milestones. In addition, a special section for younger aviators of the community was set up with hands-on activities including games, puzzles and building airplanes. The goal was to help Hawaii's youth to discover their own passions and dreams, and in the process, to inpire their "imaginations to take flight" (a motto of the CAE).
This interpretive exhibition, which was funded by a $10,000 grant from the Hawaii Committee for Humanities, presented historical and modern images, memorabilia and interactive computer kiosks.
The exhibit was the creation of CAE Director Joe Ciotti in collaboration with Gallery ‘Iolani Director Toni Martin. Also assisting was WCC Humanities Professor Paul Field, who researched the history of flight to assure the historical accuracy of captions. The exhibitors' vision was to create an interdisciplinary blend of the arts, sciences and history.
In addition to the gallery displays, companion activities were set up at other campus venues, including:
- Hale La‘akea Library – display of books related to air and space
- Hōkūlani Imaginarium – planetarium presentations
- Hale ‘Imiloa – “Wall of Discovery” displays on aerospace
- Aerospace Exploration Lab and NASA Flight and Rocketry Lab tours