"Kaluokahina, The Enchanted Reef" transports the viewer to a tropical reef, as yet undiscovered by mankind. It's a one-of-a-kind world full of adventure and danger, riddles and mysteries, old legends and myths ... a world inhabited by creatures that are humorous and courageous, lovable and bizarre, charming and dangerous.
The enchantment that lies over this magical place is threatened day when a volcanic catastrophe breaks the spell.
Now it's up to Jake, a young sawfish, and his buddy Shorty, a lively reef fish, to restore the magic of their home Kaluokahina. Their only lead: an ancient legend that tells of touching the moon. But how is a fish supposed to touch the moon? This is just one of the intriguing puzzles that Jake and Shorty will have to solve on their most exciting adventure ever—the quest to save their beloved reef.
Kaluokahina, The Enchanted Reef is a humorous adventure story for young and young-at-heart; entertaining and exciting, with captivating music and many informative details about the fantastic world under water. Both a thrilling and educational, this story sharpens our awareness to preserve our environment. A true treat for the entire family.
Produced by Softmachine
Runtime: 33 min
Audience: suitable for grades 3 to 6
Educational Resources
Teacher's Guide
National Standards
Kaluokahina: The Enchanted Reef was made possible by the generous donation of the Rodney Fukui Family.