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The Creation Story is the New Zealand Maori legend about light and darkness—the Earth and sky. Ranginui the Sky Father and Papatūanuku the Earth Mother, held each other in such a tight embrace that no light could shine through and their many children had to live in darkness. 

After years of struggle, Tūmatauenga and Tāne Mahuta plot to push their parents apart, while Tāwhirimātea fights back to keep them together, resulting in the creation of the world, and the three brothers becoming the Māori gods of war, the forest, and the winds.

This Award-winning animation was created by OHU Domes and features recordings of traditional Māori Instruments by Richard Nunns.

Produced by OHU Domes

Narrated by Te Kohe Tuhaka, TāneaHeke, and Rangimoana Taylor,

Runtime: 5 min

Audience: suitable for all audiences