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Maunakea Between Earth and Sky is the signature show of the 'Imiloa Astronomy Center in Hilo.

Explore connections between Hawaiian culture and Maunakea astronomy. Become immersed in the story of Pele and Poli`ahu and the creation of the Hawaiian Islands. Gaze into the night sky, past planets, galaxies and swirling nebula—back to the beginning of the universe—and fly through an observatory atop Maunakea.

Produced by 'Imiloa Astronomy Center and Evans and Sutherland

Co-Directed by Dr. Joseph Ciotti

Runtime: 23 min

Audience: suitable for grades 1 and up

Foreign Language: available in Japanese

Educational Resources
    Historical Views of Maunakea
    Origins of Astronomy in Hawaii
    Astronomy in Hawaii (1964-1970)