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The mystery of the Magi's Star is an evergreen story. Regardless of whether this guiding Star was some supernatural beacon, natural phenomenon or purely allegorical sign, its meaning is a symbol of hope for all mankind.

Written and produced by the Center for Aerospace Education’s Director Dr. Joseph Ciotti and narrated by radio personailty Billy V, Star of Bethlehem: The Magi's Story explores some of the astronomical possibilities for the Star that guided Wise Men to Bethlehem.

With the power of the Imaginarium's state-of-the art computer graphics, audiences are transported back in time to examine various astronomical explanations: a comet, supernova, meteor and planetary conjunctions. Through science and storytelling, audiences are encouraged to imagine, ponder and judge for themselves the nature of this guiding Star.

This seasonal fulldome show also recounts the story of the Wise Men ... who they were, where they came from and why a Star could so entice them to embark on a majestic journey to a distant land.

The Magi's Story reminds us that ultimately the Star's message is far more important than its mysterious nature. This uplifting lesson has made this Christmas show so endearing to Imaginarium audiences over the years.

Produced by Hōkūlani Imaginarium
Joseph Ciotti (Director)

Narrated by Billy V (Hawaii radio personality)

Runtime: 35 min

Audience: suitable for grades 4 and up

Educational Resources
    Magi's Star Article
    National Standards