This show at the Imaginarium is a skillfully woven tapestry of star tales and Native American legends, combined with constellation identification, star-hopping and astronomy tidbits--all told from the unique viewpoint of a cowboy astronomer who has travelled the world plying his trade and learning the sky along the way.
Narrated by cowboy poet Baxter Black, the audience is transported to the Western outdoors, listening to star legends and cowboy tales around the campfire. Our cowboy astronomer gives us his perspective of the night sky and the things he's discovered over a lifetime of stargazing.
Produced by Loch Ness Productions
Narrated by Baxter Black
Runtime: 37 min
Audience: suitable for grades 4 and up
Educational Resources
Educational Standards
Science Content
The Cowboy Astronomerwas made possible by the generous donation of the Dr. Jacqueline Maly.