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PAST THE ATMOSPHERE - Success, Failure & Rocket Science

Mission 1 (RockSat-X 2015)

Operating under the RockSat-X program, the first Project Imua Payload (PIP) was successfully launched on August 12, 2015 by a Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket from Wallops Flight Facility (WFF) in Virginia. Its15-minute sub-orbital flight attained an apogee of 96 miles. The PIP payload consisted of an ultraviolet spectrometer for measuring solar irradiance, an array of photosensors for determining the payload’s orientation to the sun and a 9-axis motion detector. Project Imua's Mission 1 resulted in the first payload ever sent into outer space by a UH campus.

Mission 2 (RockSat-X 2016)

Project Imua’ second payload named PrIME (Project Imua Multiple Experiment) consisted of six experiments. The payload was launched on a Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket from Wallops Flight Facility on August 17, 2016. While the launch was a success, the search planes were unable to find and recover the payload.

Mission 3 (RockSat-X 2017)

Project Imua’s third mission involved designing the payload nicknamed PrIMEAT. Pronounced primate, it stands for Project Imua Multiple Experiment Attempt Two. This payload consisted of subsystems from the previous flight what was not recovered.

Mission 4 (ARLISS 2017)

This mission involved a flyback-quadcopter payload launched from Black Rock, Nevada at the ARLISS (A Rocket Launch for International Student Satellites) rocketry competition. UHCC campuses included WinCC and HonCC.

Mission 5 (ARLISS 2018)

Mission 5 developed an improved design of our fly-back quadcopter, which was launched from Black Rock, Nevada at the ARLISS rocketry competition. UHCC campuses included WinCC and HonCC. WCC students also earned Level 1 and 2 rocketry certification.

Mission 6 (SLP 2019)

The sixth mission involved the design, construct and test of a high-power rocket that was launched at Huntsville, Alabama during April 2019 for the NASA Marshall Student Launch Project (SLP).

Mission 7 (ARLISS 2019)

WCC collaborated with HCC on a re-engineered quadcopter that was flown at September’s international rocketry competition at Black Rock, Nevada.

Mission 8 (Spaceport America Cup: ESRA 2020)

WCC collaborated with HCC on building a hybrid rocket with two-cubesat-small-swarm payload for launch that was originally scheduled at the Experimental Sounding Rocket Association (ESRA)/Spaceport America Cup competition in June 2020 in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico.

Mission 9 (ARLISS 2021)

ARLISS 2021 was WinCC’s fifteenth entry at ARLISS (A Rocket Launch for International Student Satellites). The launch was held on  September 8-12 at Black Rock, Nevada.

Mission 10 (RockSat-X 2022)

Mission 10’s goal involves the design of an improved ScubeR sublimation-propelled rocket and a more robust video monitoring system.

Mission 11 (ARLISS 2022)

Mission 11 is a collaboration of Windward CC and Honolulu CC students/mentors, who will participate at the annual ARLISS (A Rocket Launch for Student Satellites) and XPRS (eXtreme Performance Rocket Ships) launch events hosted by AEROPAC. 

Mission 12 (ARLISS 2023)

Project Imua Mission 12 involves the participation in two separate but related rocket competitions.  In June 2023, WCC and HCC students traveled to Mojave, CA with their mentor to enter the FAR's 10/25 competition—the challenge is to build a liquid bi-propellant rocket that attains an altitude of 15-20,000 feet and recovered safely and intact.