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Launch Photos 11 August 2022

RockSat-X 2022

Deployment video of ScubeR at apogee (99 miles altitude)

Video begins beginning few seconds after skirt is dropped allowing camera to adjust to the black of space and bright limb of the earth. It then pans to show the second stage that separated moments ago, spinning as it falls back to earth. Near by is the outer skirt, tumbling after being dropped from the payload section. By the 25-sec the claw of the mechanical arm from the experiment below our deck appears briefly at the bottom edge of the screen. At the 38 second mark, ScubeR begins to be deployed in its designed straight direction. At the 39 sec, the claw reappears and looks like it momentarily hit the front of ScubeR stand-off stanchion. From that moment on, ScubeR gyrates forward for the rest of the video. The increase in the angular velocity is due to the thrust from the camphor which causes a constant torque around ScubeR's Center of Mass.

Rocket just as it's taking off at dusk
Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket lift-off on 11 Aug 2022 at 6:08 pm EDT
(launch rail coordinates: Azimuth 103.3 deg; Elevation: 80.7 degress)
First views of space 99 miles up.
First views of space 99 miles up.
Cloud cover over Atlantic Ocean

Cloud cover over Atlantic Ocean.

ScubeR is visible in the bottom middle of the photo immediately after its deployment from the payload deck.

ScubeR is visible in the bottom middle of the photo immediately after its deployment from the payload deck. On the left edge near the bottom is a red ball that was released from the experiment below ours deck. In line between ScubeR and the red ball — but closer to ScubeR — is the sounding rocket’s second stage and cylindrical skirt falling back to earth. 

View of earth just prior to return flight back to earth.
View of earth just prior to return flight back to earth.